News | BRPTO releases new edition of the Industrial Designs Manual, to be in force from October 2nd, 2023
On September 12, 2023, the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BRPTO) published Ordinance No. 36/2023 which provides for the 2nd edition of the Industrial Designs Manual, which is now available at the BRPTO portal. The new edition of the Manual will come into force on October 2, 2023.
The BRPTO also reported that the analysis of the contributions presented during the public consultation on the new edition of the Industrial Designs Manual, held between November 07, 2022, and December 16, 2022, was completed.
The modernization of the industrial designs’ exam impacted relevant topics, which are present in the 2nd edition of the Manual, including:
- Possibility of protecting the industrial design of ornamental two-dimensional or three-dimensional configurations applied to electronic devices;
- Possibility of protecting the industrial design of three-dimensional configurations made up of parts without mechanical connection between them;
- Possibility of protection of the industrial design that includes a trademark sign or protection of the industrial design of the logo;
- Possibility of protecting industrial designs that include textual elements of any nature, in any language;
- Publication of the conditions for maintaining priority based on the analysis of the correspondence between the claim of the priority and the claim of the application in Brazil;
- Expansion of the possibility of representing the registration object, especially in relation to the representation of unclaimed illustrative elements.
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